Thursday, 3 January 2013

isis- review

                              How far would you go to bring back someone from dead?

I came across this marvellous book on a beautiful sunday afternoon.As I had nothing else to do,I googled the names of some horror writers and found the name of "Isis" in hits.I had read one of the Cleggs' works before-"The Attraction"-and was not impressed by it.Yet I bought it.To my surprise,this one was good.Damn good.
Recalling the dead had always been a favourite topic for writers.Clegg himself,had done this in his"Attraction".But what makes Isis different is that here author succeeded in creating the right tone and moreover a fairytale atmosphere adds to the overall mood of the story.
This 111-page novella is about a girl named Iris Catherine Villiers.Her world is her brothers-Harvey and Spence.Iris father is a soldier who works somewhere in India.Her mother is suffering from some sort of illness.The story proceeds with Iris' relationship with her brothers.Her relationship with Spence is strained while she maintains an intimate relationship with Harvey which is slightly incestous one.The kids decide to stage the story of Isis and Osiris.From this point the story changes its pace.Fairy tale moves into a macabre .Iris  also began to hate Spence,as Isis hate Zen in the mythology.It is actually the mythological background that keeps the story entertaining.
Iris became Isis.
On discovering the relationship between Spence and their servant Edyth,Iris tries to inform this to their parents.But in a tragic turn of events,Harvey is killed accidently leaving Iris in a state of shock.Iris ignoring advics tries ti bringback  her dead brother and what happens to her forms the rest of the story.
From 'Attraction' to 'Isis',we can see the maturity of Clegg as a writer.With Scalpel clarity,Clegg explores the  frailities of human mind and broughtout his best book to the date.characters like Old Marsh,the legend of Maid-Sorrow and pictorial illustrations gave the story somewhat a Gothic feel.
Main drawback is it is too short.It should have been 200 pages.But yet Isis is worth a read,especially for a spooky halloween night.